
Duplicated: ‘I’m the ’Father of Functional Medicine’—This Is My #1 Tip for Eating for Longevity’ – [#5704]

f living a long and happy life is the goal, Jeffrey Bland, PhD, a clinical biochemist, the “father of functional medicine,” and president of Big Bold Health, says there’s one thing you should rely on: Plants, and lots of ‘em.

Of course, many factors can affect healthy aging. However, according to Dr. Bland, the number one tip to keep in mind when it comes to eating for longevity is consuming a wide variety of plants regularly.

We had the chance to catch up with the self-proclaimed father of functional medicine to learn more about why it’s imperative to eat plants regularly, which are the best ones to include in your diet, and some common misconceptions when it comes to plant-forward eating.

Why plants are so important for boosting longevity

According to Dr. Bland, the more plants you can add to your diet, the better. “Plants contain what are known as phytochemicals and fibers that are not found in animal products. Recent advances in nutritional science have shown the important health benefits of both of these nutrient families that can be gotten only by eating plant foods,” Dr. Bland says.

“Plants contain what are known as phytochemicals and fibers that are not found in animal products. Recent advances in nutritional science have shown the important health benefits of both of these nutrient families that can be gotten only by eating plant foods,” Dr. Bland says.

In a 2021 study published by Dr. Bland, he shares how phytochemicals—chemical compounds found in plants—act not only as antioxidants but, more specifically, as “selective modulators of signal transduction” (aka regulate cell activity). In short, this means phytochemicals play a role in cells’ oxidative levels. “These phytochemicals in plant foods have been found to have positive impacts on the body’s immune system and health of the intestinal microbiome as well as help to protect the brain against inflammation,” he says.

Wendy Chandler

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